
We love using the work that other organizations have created: reports with interesting data, guides and methodologies we come back to all the time for our own work and websites we visit often to stay current on topics we love. You will find our selection here.

  • A selection of reports that we have recently read and used in some of our projects.

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  • We love applying and using methodologies and guides that sister organizations have created. Here’s a selection of a few we rely on.

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  • A few of the website we visit over and over for their blogs, events and super smart teams.

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We spend a lot of time reading reports and using the data, findings and recommendations — here are a few we keep returning to…

Methodologies and Guides

There are lot of methodologies, frameworks, guides, toolkits and tools that are great starting points for a new project — some of them are almost “plug and play” other can be easily tailored and adapted…no need to reinvent the wheel!


  • FinEquity - A treasurer trove of resources, blogs plus a global networks of practitioners dedicated to women’s economic empowerment

  • - A great resource to learn and use design to project